cultus vibes. interview #31

Something is about to be born. The only thing that makes me more happy than discover or feature a new artist that I truly believe is to discover a new label. And if it's a net label releasing free digital music, well, than I feel like it's Christmas. That's what happened with Holiday Records, Beko-DSL...
The thing that fascinates me about this kind of label is the idea that they are created due to the love of music, since there's no money or big corporations supporting them. 
In two days, on Feb. 1st, Cultus Vibes is joining this group. For what I've heard so far (and as you can read below) they'll be featuring electronic acts (with warm and bliss pop influences) and folk-ish roots music. 
We had the opportunity to talk with the label's creator. 

So, Cultus Vibes: Welcome! And already thank you for the effort! 
And boys and girls (and every gender in between), here's Cultus Vibes, in its own words.

01. The label is about to be born. on feb 1st the site will be launched and the first digital EP released. Tell us what led you to start a digital label and what's the idea/concept behind it. What kind of music will you feature and where does the name come from...
The idea came to me during one of the many drives that I do from my hometown to the town that my girlfriend lives in. It's about 30 mins of driving, and it's actually really therapeutic. It's nice to have a bit of time to just sit and think, or just listen to music. Anyways, during one of these drives the idea just sort of hit me. 
The whole concept is based solely around the idea of using some of the successes that I've had over the last year, and sharing them with my friends, who happen to be talented musicians. One of the main reasons I've been as productive in terms of producing new music, is because I'm surrounded by people that are constantly challenging me to make better music everyday. So I basically wanted to expose some of these great artists to a group of people that may look past them, or possible never even hear them.
We're going to be quite eclectic in terms of what type of music we actually release, but for the most part its going to be electronic and roots/folk music. That being said, we're open to pretty much everything.  
The name comes from a lake, Cultus Lake, that is a pretty integral part of summers for anyone that lives in the area that I live in. I wanted to call it something that would be familiar for people who live here, but still intriguing to people who are unfamiliar with it.
02. Who's behind Cultus Vibes? 
My friend Matthew is taking care of the web design/development, and I'm taking care of pretty much the rest of it.

03. In the past 2 years, a number of digital free labels were created. Do you think that's some sort of phenomenon or response to the current way music is distributed? What are your views on this matter?
It's the idea of branding really. If you're able to brand something, it will be a more concise, organized situation. It's easy to post music for free, as I've come to learn, but when you create a scene around the idea of posting music for free, it gives it a more professional feel, and its easier to be taken seriously.

04. How the artists featured on the label will be/are selected?
So far it's just been friends of mine, but I'm always interested in hearing new music.  

05. How the records are 'made'? I mean, the artists send you the final material and you publish them or there's some sort of collaboration, whether to select tracks and/or create the artworks?
Since the idea for the label first came to my mind, I've been dialoguing with four or five different artists/friends about projects they're working on. Everyone's really excited about the idea of creating a family atmosphere around the label, so there's definitely a feeling of collaboration that exists.  
It's quite simple what I require from the artist: high quality music files, a 500x500 cover art, and 250 words on the record, for the press release. I'm all about working with the artist on whatever they need help with, and at the same time, this isn't me controlling everything. I want the artist to get to speak for themselves.

06. What are your aspirations/expectations with the label?  
In terms of short term goals, I'm really hoping to put out a compilation sometime before summer, that features Cultus Vibes artists, as well as friends of the label. In terms of long term goals, I'd love to partner with another more established label to do runs of physical releases. I'm not experienced enough to know how to get distribution for a label, or even the ins and outs of getting a record pressed. But if I could work alongside a label, I think it'd be a lot of fun.  

07. A word of advice for those feeling like starting their own label?
Be 100% honest with the people you work with.
08. Recommend something you've been listening lately...  
My girlfriend and I saw Dawes two times this weekend, once in Bellingham, WA and then in Vancouver, BC the next night. They are amazing performers, and they create such an amazing atmosphere at their shows, and they're just really charming guys. It's really American music in my mind; good old fashioned rock and roll.

09. Any music video you think everyone should watch?
Toro Y Moi - Still Sound; I love Chaz's new sound here, and I love 8 mm videos, so this video is a huge win win for me.

10. Anything else you feel like saying?
Hug your friends!

Be sure to check the official site when its launched, two days from now.
Meanwhile, check the label's Tumblr, where you can find some samples of future artists that'll be featured on the label. 
And join the Facebook page to keep track of future releases.

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