one year of original music from february records

Should've talked about this amazing compilation two months ago, when it was released... but hey, first things first. February Records is a small independent record label based in Connecticut, it was created a year ago and features independent artists from different music backgrounds but with a strong sense of indiepop and DIY connecting them all.
The compilation is a free download and is some sort of celebration of the first anniversary of the label. What a celebration, I say... I think the last time I got this excited with a compilation was when The Leamington Spa volumes were released.
'One year...' has 19 songs: one song for every artist/release of the first year of the label's existence (14 artists) and 5 songs from artists that'll have music released in 2011.
Americana, lo-fi, powerpop, dreampop, electronic, bubblegum, 60's driven pop... there's music to every kind of ear.
opening track 'I Thought You Wanted To Know' by Secret Charisma and its beautiful guitars;
'If Monday'd Never Come' by Brilliant At Breakfast with the cutest vocals ever and that sweet indonesian sense of indiepop melody;
'Westbound Train' by Two If By Sea, the most intimate song of the release with whispery vocals and calm electronic base;
and 'Indian Lunch Buffet' by Women's Basketball. A powerful song to jump and sing along; also holds the best verse of the compilation "The only two things that would make me feel ok today: an indian lunch buffet and your freaking face".
Really, if you had to listen to only one compilation for the entire year, 'One year of Original...' should be IT.

01. Secret Charisma . I Thought You Wanted To Know
02. Abby Mott . She Don't Play Nice
03. Onward Chariots . Seven Miles Away
04. Boy Genius . When Sunday Goes
05. The Cavemen Go . The Saddest Affair
07. Dexter Poindexter . Sixteen Candles
08. Brilliant At Breakfast . If Monday'd Never Come
09. Ghost Of Chance . Jennifer
10. Summer Library . Past The Railroad Tracks
11. Two If By Sea . Westbound Train
12. The Month Of June . Daffodil
13. Birds Of California . Laugh Out Loud
14. The Tyler Trudeau Attempt . We've Got The Look
15.  Bourgeois Heroes . Elizabeth Is Bored
16. The Inclined Plane . The Wax Museum
17. The Fictional West . Soul For Suckers
18. Jayson Munro . Strangely Black Was The Night
19. Women's Basketball . Indian Lunch Buffet


  1. I felt just as excited when I discovered February Records last year - Their lineup is absolutely first-rate. But I didn't konw about this compilation - thanks so much.

  2. February, in a small amount of time, managed to enter the group of 'beloved labels' of mine... You are completely right on the lineup comment.
    How can one resist to songs like 'If Monday'd Never Come' and 'Indian Lunch Buffet'? Without mentioning most of the tracks featured on the compilation... the quality of the songs is über high from beginning to end, without exceptions.
