INTERVIEW 67. beach vacation

DIY escapism made in a small town located on Whidbey Island, Washington. That's Beach Vacation.
Their first EP, Maritime - released last Monday via Dufflecoat Records - is the debut EP that Captured Tracks will never release. It is such an exciting introductory piece! It's on the edge of surf and jangle pop with a very unique and fresh appeal.
With the opening track 'Waves', we dive into their melodies with the sound of the ocean, seagulls and a crystalline guitar strumming. Compared to the other tracks, it sounds quite conceptualized and contemplative, but it works perfectly preparing us for the what's next.
For the rest of the EP, we get a sound that's warm and with rich textures.
'Washington Weather' and 'Escape' are simply beautiful. Joyous in their melancholic yearning.
I like how you're are able to dive into their melodies and actually feel a breeze and really escape. Even though the EP has less than 10 minutes.
Fantastic release from an exciting new band.

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Read my interview with Tabor, Tyler, John and Justyn below.
01. What time is it now? Where are you and how's your day so far?
It is 10:45 P.M. right now, our day was fine, a little tiring, but we got through it. We're in Oak Harbor, Washington. A small town on Whidbey Island near Seattle.

02. Beach Vacation is a fairly young project. Tell us how it all started? And why Beach Vacation?
Beach Vacation started as a small project between Tabor Rupp and Justyn Newman, but became a four piece after a high school talent show back in november, which added drummer John DeAvilla and bassist Tyler Burnett. We chose this name because we thought the music represented a beachy or surfy style of music, and would be enjoyed profoundly on the beach. We currently live on Whidbey Island and are heavily influenced by the beach and being close to the water. The vacation part came from the lack of sun we get in the Pacific Northwest, and wanting to get away on a "vacation".

03. If you had to materialize your music into a planet, what would it look like? What's Beach Vacation's aesthetic?
Probably a tropical saturn with huge sandy beaches, sunshine, and peace! There would always be sun but you'd never have to put on sunscreen.

04. Your music feels like a breeze. It has a fresh take and wanders through genres like surf, new wave, post punk and has an insanely pop appeal. What inspire you to make music? How's your creative process?
Many American shoegaze and Swedish pop bands have inspired us. Beach Fossils, Wild Nothing, Craft Spells, and The Radio Dept., have all played a huge part in inspiring us to create our music. Everybody in the band listens to different genres so we're hoping to branch out with future releases.

05. Your first EP Maritime was released on bandcamp a few days ago. What I really like about it, is the effortless balance between an experimentalism/conceptualization and a very poignant pop-ish vein (already mentioned before). Tell us a bit about the making of the EP. What was your idea with it? And how's the public's reaction so far?
We started recording songs immediately after our first show, ideas starting coming out day after day. We began to narrow them down, and came out with four songs.

06. There'll be a physical release of the EP as well, and it'll be released via Dufflecoat Records. How did the contact with the label happened?
Gary Sansom, the label manger of Dufflecoat Records, contacted us via facebook asking if we were interested in making a release with him, we were excited for the ask and gladly accepted.

07. How do you record your music? I wasn't gonna ask this, but I just saw a picture on your Facebook page saying that you're recording a new single entirely in the kitchen…
We recorded our music on garageband in a living room, bedroom, and kitchen, with a macbook that has no working fan. High budget stuff.

08. Perfect place and time to listen to Beach Vacation.
The perfect time to listen to Beach Vacation is when you're laying on a beach in the sun, relaxing, daydreaming, or suntanning. It's great music to chill out to.

09. Probably it's a bit early to ask this since your EP was released last week, but what are your plans for the rest of the year? Can we expect new songs soon?
You can definitely expect new songs very soon, most likely a couple weeks after our EP release on the 29th.

10. Anything else you feel like saying?
Thank you to everybody who has taken the time to listen to our EP and give us a chance! We are so excited with the feedback we've been getting and we're even more excited for the future! We'll try to keep the wait as short as possible for the next release!

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